Abbotsford Landmark Theatre is about the only cheap movie theatre left that charges less than $5 for a movie on Tuesdays. We ended up going to the matinee show of "
Hope Springs" starring Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones. It's about a couple who have been married for 31 years and Meryl's character Kay wants to liven up their marriage so she and Tommy Lee Jones head off to Maine to have marriage counseling sessions with Steve Carrell. Meryl and Tommy Lee are very cute together because of their complete lack of sexual awareness and awkwardness, being that of an older generation.
We did some shopping and grabbed dinner before heading to the 7 o'clock showing of "
The Bourne Legacy" starring Jeremy Renner and Rachel Weisz. For a reboot of the Bourne franchise in the same time frame it wasn't bad. I did enjoy the motorcycle chase through Manila and the fact that the female character in this wasn't weak was a plus but the ending seemed off. I know it's supposed to be open ended for a sequel but the ending came out of nowhere, nothing was really resolved. Not bad for a night out and it cost less than $10.
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