Friday, September 28, 2012

New FALL shows in review part three

Here is part three more to come.

Last Resort 
Navy show. Just as the sub crosses the equator they get a coded authenticated fire message from Antarctica. Is it a coincidence the sub had just picked up a crew of US Army Seals I think not. The captain calls America to confirm the message. The captain gets relieved of his duty on board and Scott Speedman is given command, he asks for conformation and the lines goes dead. They are then targeted by a missile. The crew decide to take cover on an island and stand up against the lies the US government is putting on the news back home. This seems more like a movie then a show to me, plus I'm not big into the war thing so this is a NO for me.

Present day Sherlock Holmes. They have Lucy Liu as a female Watson who is sent to keep Holmes sober. Holmes is as usual, a know it all. There is no chemistry between them which if you are going to even think of putting a female Watson in the mix there should be. NO for me.

Made in Jersey
This is a fish out of water story. A Jersey girl gets a job in the big apple as a 1st year lawyer who gets the chance to prove herself and be third chair on a murder case. She uses her detective skills to prove her client is innocent and gets the case dismissed. this just feels like CBS is trying to remake their own Ugly Betty and I just can't handle the Jersey accent. NO for me.

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