Tuesday, May 14, 2013


This morning I got a phone call asking for help in which political party I thought would be good to vote for. Of course I gave the person some information about each party and which one has a platform to help our field of work. I had never been asked before about my opinion on the matter, I had always discussed the subject with my elders.

Now sitting here in the line to vote has me thinking about when I was a kid and for a very brief period I wanted to be Prime Minister of Canada. As a kid you think that if you look up to what a job stands for that its a something you want to do when you grow up. I can remember thinking that the person who is Prime Minister has the power to stop children from starving, save endangered animals, save the ocean and many other important causes out there. But as I grew up I became more and more aware that the person with so much supposed power really couldn't do all or any of those things.

In fact it's more and more I see that job I used to look up to, really doesn't care about saving anything. Instead budgets are cut, deals are made and the welfare of our country has been put in the hands of foreign affairs. Canada is a country with vast resources yet we sell our raw materials to foreign investors who then sell it back to us at a higher rate. This makes no sense to me. Even the city I live in is ranked as one of the most expensive cities to live in yet that could change if we stopped the foreign investors from buying up high rises. Or even the industry I work in has a huge impact on the economy yet funding programs have been cut which makes less jobs for people. The list goes on.

I hope my vote today will help change something.

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